Unleashed NewsIt amazes me how a story can evolve from such a small concept. When I began Restraint I never thought I would expand it from a novella, maybe 30,000 words. While writing Restraint the story expanded to a full length novel. When I completed it I toyed with the idea of a follow up book to wrap up any threads I left unwoven, and Unleashed was born. While I near the end of Unleashed I am saddened as I tie up Katya/Ezra/Cortez’s futures. I was drawn to many of the secondary characters that have so much story to give.
I was asked earlier this week whether or not I was a plotter or a panster- meaning do I plot the entire story out or do I allow it to grow as I write(fly by the seat of your pants). I am a mix of both. I know from the very first word where my main characters will end up at the end and who will join their happily ever after. It’s the journey in between the beginning and the end that I allow to grow organically. Sometimes my own mind impresses me. I will write something so minute that it has no impact on its scene. It could be 10 pages later or maybe 100 and I am shocked at what develops. Usually it is something dramatic that has me say to myself, “DAMN!” I didn’t even see the direction my own mind was leading me. This happened in Restraint. A scene where “Master Ez” does the unthinkable to Katya leaving her injured. At the time I wrote the scene for the true Master Ez, but my mind wanted something else. I changed my mind about how this impacted the story. I went back to add some foreshadowing for the readers and it was already written. My mind knew as I wrote that scene it should be the other Master Ez. It’s fascinating how the mind works. I will be impressed and feel slightly jealous, then I kick myself for the jealousy, “dumbass, it’s your mind, therefore, you wrote it!” Yes, I am a messed up idiot. This happened a few times while writing Chrysalis. I was brand new to writing and it frightened me. So I’ve been moody for a myriad of reasons, but I think my subconscious was grieving the loss of the characters she has fostered these past few months. I wrote a scene a few days ago that came out of nowhere, it wasn’t created in my plotting. You could say my mind conjured it up to help me grieve. I created several new characters for this scene. I ignored what was flashing in my mind. Last night as I tossed and turned Mistress and Master of Restraint was born. I developed the characters in an instant, I already know their endings. My mind as I wrote Unleashed created their world and their connections. I will use Master Dexter as an example. We meet him during Restraint and he becomes a major character in Unleashed. Mistress and Master of Restraint series will begin with him. The Master of Restraint, Dexter. He is such a complex and intriguing character. I don’t know if these books will be shorts, novellas, or full length novels. I will say that we will hear from Katya again. Without ruining a very dramatic scene that has a huge impact on the story, I will only say characters that were included in Restraint. Master Ezra, Master Dexter, Master Cortez, Mistress Queen, and Mistress Katya will be part of this series. I am excited to begin this new journey of a story that is imprinted on my brain. The new voices that demand to be heard will have to quiet down for a bit. I have to finish and publish Unleashed. I also have to edit Chrysalis and publish it. My Atticus Fox story needs rewritten into the twisted fucker that he is. ;) I originally slatted Chrysalis’ release for fall. I think it I keep on my path I can have my first work published by mid-summer. I visioned Atticus’ release in the early winter. I hope to push him to the fall depending on how demanding he is. After that I will begin Mistress and Master of Restraint. I am excited. I hope the muse keeps flowing stories into my mind. Unleashed! I knew the story would be slightly longer than Restraints 52,000 words. My target was around 70,000. I am surprised to say that Unleashed will be near 100,000 words at it’s completion- almost double the length of Restraint. The flow of the story pours from me like water. I hope I do not disappoint fans with my path. Unleashed Target Release is around mid-June. Beta readers will receive it before this month’s end. Exciting! I need to do the cover art while my betas compile my mistakes and tell me what they think needs fixed. & I am grateful for those amazing ladies! Each one provides a different view covering all the aspects of the story and editing! A footnote on Unleashed: A mystery will not be solved during the book and many people will want kick my ass. Know that it ties into one of the Master of Restraint books. And no, it will be at least the second book in the series until this mystery is revealed. It doesn’t take a genius to read my foreshadowing. The ladies closest to me should pick the answer right away. And it you don’t you will enjoy the painful pleasure in waiting to find out. *evil laugh* I finally feel like a real writer now. We all have different views on our goals. I feel like I stuck the tip of my toe in the water when I wrote Restraint and published it. Now I am knee deep and loving the refreshingly, cool water. By years end I should have 4-6 books published. I’ve already written close to 300,000 words in less than a year. It’s a fantastic feeling and it drives me to write more. After a very difficult start to my adult life, finally in my early thirties I find my real passion- the driving force of my life and I feel fulfilled for it. It’s a heady feeling that could border on obsession if I’m not careful. Imaginary worlds are a fantastic place to dwell when reality is ordinary and lacking. I just hope my imaginary worlds bleed into the reality by allowing me to reach my dream. Would I like to make money from my stories? Yes! Will it deter me if I don’t? NO! I write for me. If a reader finds it inspiring or entertaining, it’s makes it so much sweeter. Taking a Break for EntertainmentI am trying to play catch up with reading and reviewing. My writing takes precedence over my entertainment and as a result I haven’t read as often as I’d like, therefore, no reviews either. I’m taking a step back from writing Unleashed to clear my head and allow new directions for the story to flow. Sometimes when you have scenes imprinted in your mind you fail to notice alternate choices. I am taking a one week hiatus to clear my mind of its stubbornness. Unleashed IS the end of the Katya Waters story arc and I would hate to write it a certain way and later on wish I had taken it in a different direction. I want no second thoughts.
All the new releases are calling my name. I am trying to avoid those at all costs. I want my friends to read them first and give me their opinions. This way I do not waste my week hiatus reading fluff or filler. I am settled on reading a few novellas by one of my favorite authors and combining that with rereading books for their comfort. Yes, I know most wouldn’t see a reread as entertaining. I actually find them stress relieving. I’ve read the story before. I know the direction it flows in. I know what to expect next. I can tap into the emotions that the story elicited the first or third time around. I am currently rereading my way through the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series- again or should I say, again and again… Yes, it isn’t masterpiece worthy, but there is simply something in the story that trips my trigger and entertains the hell out of me even as I laugh at mistakes LKH made. Actually, that last part makes me feel better about my writing- if a seasoned author can make mistakes, it’s not the end of the world when I do. I can laugh at myself and move on. I am reading a few novellas by Kitty Thomas- she is sick and twisted, and just gets me. She writes a story I can relate to and not feel judged for my strangeness. So please forgive my shitty reviews. Not that they will be one star- just not well thought out and organized in the fashion I am accustomed. Right now my brain is fried from thinking too much, so it will be to the point with a few of my thoughts scattered in, but that’s it! I also want to apologize to those Authors who wish Wicked Reads to Read for Review. I just do not have the time at the moment. I would love for my partner, Amber, on Wicked Reads fb page to review those for me. But I want to keep the reviews consistently mine. I will try to pepper in a few read&review for Authors when I can squeeze them in. So, please take no offense if I don’t get back with you in a timely manner. It also depends on my mood since I read certain genres with certain moods. It’s kind of hard to get into erotica when you feel frumpy or read romance when your hormones demand that romance is dead. & I can only take so much YA since I am a grown woman. I enjoy all these genres just only as the mood dictates. A psycho vamp read is great when I am angry. lol! I’ll be spending my time on Wicked Reads on facebook, pinning on Pinterest, reading some awesome stuff, and writing craptastic reviews. Hope everyone is relaxed and entertained! & I always have time to offer recommendations so please ask!!! And a plea to those who have read Restraint: Please share the book with friends that like that sort of read. Also, tbr list me on goodreads. I know I’ve said this over and over- so just one more time. I need feedback, especially while I step back from writing Unleashed. I don’t mind if it’s negative just as long as it’s constructive. Please rate/review on Amazon and Goodreads. Word of mouth is the most important thing to a self published author, especially a unknown author trying to get her book out to the masses. Please & Thank You! *booting up the nook* Erica Chilson Erica's Ramblings, & Info on Book #2Here is a lil info on Restraint- Katya Waters Book 2- and some of my own ramblings…
Since the release of Restraint a little over a week ago I have been writing my ass off! I am excited to say that I am 40,000 words deep into the continuation and conclusion of the Katya Waters story. My goal is to have the first draft completed in a few days. While Restraint was just at 52,000 words, I project that book two will end up over 70,000; which is excellent news for all the fans of Kat and the gang. The official title of book 2 is Unleashed. While the premise of the story is Erotica, the title Unleashed holds symbolism for the characters, not just its actual meaning. I wrote Restraint in the same manner. My novel Restraint represented the control or restraints we place on ourselves on a daily basis- holding ourselves back from our dreams and stifling our emotions. The book takes place in Katya past as well as her present. Unleashed is tearing away all those restraints that bind us to the perceptions we place on ourselves, and moving forward towards a bright and fulfilling future. I will say that I grew right along with Katya on this journey. Did I dream that one day I would wake up and be an author of Erotic literature? No. I began my journey writing an Urban Fantasy series, which I followed up with a concept of a sociopath male protagonist. <— Both of those works will be complete this summer. But I digress, my point being the titles of my novels all hold symbolism not just for my characters, but for me as well. I wrote Chrysalis at a point in my life when I didn’t know up from down. I was messed up. Chrysalis is about transforming into your true self. Now, I feel free to be who I was meant to be- ME! Even in the progressive world we live in there is a stigma attached to Erotica- take for instance the controversial view on 50 shades of Grey trilogy . As I wrote Restraint I worried what people would think of me writing SMUT, especially those who physically know me. First, I will say that Restraint & Unleashed are not smut. Humans by nature are sexual beings, if you want to take people on a journey it is difficult not to include sex. If you want to take people on a journey of sexual discovery they automatically label it as smut or trash. My books will always include sex. Sorry folks, that is just how it is going to be. I do not write for children. Some of the content will bother a large percentage of mainstream readers. I write for myself and for a small fraction of readers who “get” me. As I worried about whether or not I should use a pen name for my erotic work vs my fantasy work, I was struck dumb. I was doing to myself what the very premise of my books are- breaking the restraints and Unleashing your true self. I was not standing up and professing “This is Me- take me for who I am”. I was being prejudiced against myself- judging; and this was the exact thing that worried me most from others. So I told my negative, internal dialogue to shut the hell up and I went about my journey…. I was at a crossroads with my novel titled Shattered. I wasn’t sure what direction to take Atticus. I am happy to say that my own journey of self discovery uncovered the direction. I am so pleased that I didn’t just struggle through with Atticus and create something that was mediocre. Atticus Fox evolved into someone dark and twisted- as he was meant to be. I want to announce that upon the release of Unleashed, I will hold a 48 hour free promotion of Restraint. I would like to reiterate that I value any feedback from readers whether like-love-loathe-indifferent. Please post a review or rate on Amazon and Goodreads. & for all the Goodreadsmembers, please add Restraint on your tbr list if it is something you may like to read in the future.Word of mouth is most important to self published authors. I beg that you please help spread information about my novel if you enjoyed it. Just a few recommendations on Facebook or Goodreads to friends that enjoy a similar read. I would truly appreciate it. I would also like to announce that on July 24th my novels will be available for purchase on b&n.com for the Nook and its apps. Enough of my ramblings- I believe it’s time to get back writing Kat and the gang. I’ll be sure to tell Master Ez you said hello! ~Erica |
MusingsDelve into the mind of madness Archives
October 2023